
The ability to develop skills of various kinds of manipulation by doctors on simulators that mimic the anatomy of the human body


This idea is at the heart of the design and production of a large range of simulators for specialists of various medical specializations.

(open video)
The surgical learning curve is safer and more correct to recruit on simulators
When you prescribe surgery to a patient, you are ready for it because you have done it before
For young novice specialists, these simulators are necessary


materials and


shelf life

The goal is to minimize the risks of the doctor during the operation when working with a person. This idea is at the heart of the design and production of a large range of simulators for specialists of various medical specializations.


Urological simulator


Urological simulator


Urological simulator


Urological simulator


The training device for use
under ultrasound control


The training device for use
under ultrasound control

Of course, the implementation of such a project is possible only with the support of real professionals

Our consultant for the development of a line of urological simulators is a urologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Hajiyev Nariman Kazikhanovich.

He is one of the ideological inspirers of this project. With his support, the main manipulation tasks for urological interventions were identified, which can be solved using our simulators.

A specialist in the field of polymer composite materials, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic Processing also participated in the development of our simulators. Thanks to him, it was possible to get simulators with high authenticity.

Our consultant for the development of a line of urological simulators is a urologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Hajiyev Nariman Kazikhanovich.

He is one of the ideological inspirers of this project. With his support, the main manipulation tasks for urological interventions were identified, which can be solved using our simulators.

A specialist in the field of polymer composite materials, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic Processing also participated in the development of our simulators. Thanks to him, it was possible to get simulators with high authenticity.

There are no

for us

The geography of our simulators is increasing dynamically. This year we received a proposal for the export of simulators outside the Russian Federation. We have only embarked on the path of active advancement, but now we are ready to work with the whole world


Each of
our simulators


As evidence of the functional health of the product, we provide an electronic medium with visualization of a particular ultrasound or X-ray manipulation (if surgery requires it). It is important that the simulators are distinguished by endurance - withstand the maximum number of manipulations, be resistant to temperature differences or transportation features.


The training device is intended both for practicing puncture skills under X-ray control, and for practicing the skills of manipulating endoscopic instruments in the kidney cavity using nephroscopes and pyeloscopes.

The training device is an imitation of a section of the lumbar part of the human body with the cavity system of the kidney and ureter. The material of the product is made of an elastomer with a hardness of about 10 points of Shore A system, which is as close as possible to the parameters of the patient’s tissues, while the cavity system of the kidney in the training device itself is absolutely identical to the cavity system of the human kidney.

Patent RU 180052 U1

  1. To start practicing the puncture skill, an nonslip mat (included in the kit) must be fixed on the operating table or other surface. To do this, wrap the operating table with elastic bands and lock blocking devices assembled on the band. If necessary, tighten the bands until the mat firmly get into place. The length of the bands is 95 cm. Place the training device on the mat.
  2. Foley’s urethral catheter (recommended diameter 16 Fr) is inserted into the end hole imitating the ureteral cut and inflated for fixation with a syringe with saline 20 ml.
  3. A C-bar is placed above the training device for fluoroscopic monitoring of the puncture.
  4. The renal cavity system is filled with contrast agent (1: 1), while the stereolithometric configuration of the renal cavity system filled with contrast agent (about 40-50 ml) will be displayed on the C-bar video monitor.
  5. Further, by manipulating the position of the C-bar, the skill of puncture by the bull’s eye” method and triangulation is practiced.

Puncture by the “ bull’s eye” method *

  1. Set the position of the C-bar to the zero position and determine the calix of interest
  2. Move the C-bar to the +30 degree position so that only the shortest section of the calix is displayed.
  3. Place the needle so that you can see the calix as a circle and the cross section of the needle in the circle of the calix, so the calix will look like an eye, and the needle as a pupil reasoned the name of the technique – “bull’s eye”
  4. Put forward the needle inward without changing the direction of the needle and control the depth by moving the C-bar to the zero position.
  5. When the needed calix is reached, take out the stylette of the needle and make sure that the position is correct – if the puncture is performed correctly, you should get an outflow of contrast agent.

Puncture by triangulation *

  1. Set the C-bar to zero and locate the calix of interest.
  2. Move about 5-7 cm away from the calix and perform a puncture.
  3. Control the direction of the needle in the zero position of the C-bar.
  4. Control the puncture depth with the C-bar brought to the lateral position from the needle.
  5. When the needed calix is reached, take out the stylette of the needle and make sure that the position is correct – if the puncture is performed correctly, you should get a contrast agent.

Bougienage and making a stroke for percutaneous surgery

  1. After performing the correct puncture of the renal cavity system (fluid is obtained), remove the stylette of the needle and insert the guidewire into the renal cavity.
  2. Along the guidewire, carry out the fascia bougie up to 10Cn in diameter under X-ray control.
  3. Remove the fascial bougie and install the final bougie, along which the cover planned to be placed under X-ray control.
  4. Install the cover over the bougie and remove the bougie
  5. Insert the nephroscope and ensure that the cover is placed properly.


To practice the skill of nephroscopy (examination of the cavity system of the kidney and control of the instrument in the cavity system of the kidney, removal of calculuses, laser crushing of calculuses)

  1. Connect the irrigation to the nephroscope, and the urethral catheter installed in the renal cavity through opening of the ureteral lead to the container for collecting the irrigation fluid. Thus, constant irrigation of the renal cavity system is ensured.
  2. Pour out calculuses through the cover installed in the cavity system of the kidney.
  3. Turn on the nephroscope and start the necessary part of the exercise (visual inspection of all calyxes accessible to the view, extraction of calculuses, laser crushing of calculuses previously filled through the cover)


For practice the skill of endoscopy (examination of the renal cavity system and circulation with a flexible instrument in the renal cavity system, removal of calculuses, laser crushing of calculuses)

  1. Place the ureteral cover over the guidewire and under X-ray control put into the renal cavity system.
  2. Connect irrigation to the flexible ureteropyeloscope.
  3. Pour out calculuses through the ureteral cover installed in the renal cavity.
  4. Turn on a flexible ureteropyeloscope and start the necessary part of the exercise (visual inspection of all calyxes accessible to the view, extraction of calculuses, laser crushing of calculuses previously filled through the cover)

Storage of the training device does not imply the presence of a special temperature regime -50 ÷ 100 ° С

Dimensions: 25cm x12cm x 15cm

Warranty – 5 years. The warranty period applies to a new product until the start of its intended use. The recommended number of punctures on the simulator is no more than 100 punctures.

The training device is intended for practice skills of puncture of the urinary bladder and the installation of suprapubic drainage under ultrasound examination.

The training device is a cylinder filled with a jellylike compound, based on natural proteins. The upper end surface imitates the skin integument, made from silicone rubber. The urinary bladder is a fluid-filled cavity. The excess pressure in the urinary bladder is achieved by supplying imitating fluid from an elastic container through a flexible tube.

Priority 06.07.2021

Puncture of the urinary bladder under ultrasound control

  1. Spread ultrasonographic gel on the sensing device
  2. Increase the brightness with the device settings and switch to the “Doppler” mode to “remove” artifacts.
  3. Lean the sensing device against the model – you should see a similar picture

To install a suprapubic urinary catheter by the Seldinger method

  1. Extend the 18G trocar needle from the end of the sensing device and puncture the urinary bladder. Control the direction and depth of the needle with ultrasound.
  2. Remove the stylet of the needle – if the puncture is performed correctly, you should get fluid outflow.
  3. Insert the guidewire pin through the needle. Perform the fascial bougie along the guidewire. Suprapubic urinary catheter is installed by removing of fascial bougie.

To install a suprapubic urinary catheter by the trocar method

  1. Expose the trocar from the end of the sensing device and puncture the urinary bladder. Control the direction and depth of the trocar with ultrasound.
  2. Remove the trocar stylet to obtain fluid
  3. Place a suprapubic urinary catheter along the trocar lumen.
  4. While holding the suprapubic urinary catheter, slit the trocar and remove it.


The training device is maintained at indoor temperature and does not require the use of low temperatures (storage in the refrigerator). In addition, it is not recommended to cool the model below 16 ° C and to heat it above 25 ° C. This can significantly change the echogenic properties of the compound and violate the reliability of the ultrasound investigation.

  1. Warranty for the training device – 1 year. The warranty period applies to a new product until the start of its intended use, if the storage conditions meet. (see paragraph in the instructions).
  2. The recommended amount of work on the training device is no more than 100 punctures.

The “UROSONtraining device is an imitation of a section of a human body with a renal cavity system and consists of a unique mixture of silicone and gelatin with a long period of viability due to the presence of unique molecules.

This is a container that includes an object of imitation of a human kidney with integrated “calyxes” inside. The “calyxes” are connected through a collector with a blood transfusion system to imitate the presence of fluid in the renal pyelocaliceal system of kidney.

The material of the product is an elastomer with a hardness of about 10 points of Shore A system, which is close to the parameters of the patient’s tissues. The polymer compound filling the space of the container has an echogenicity close to that of human biological tissues. In addition, the compound of the polymer composition makes it possible to partially “overgrow” the traces formed during the manipulation of the needle for several days.

To increase the authenticity of the model and its complication, the polymer composition contains an imitation of ribs that partially overlap the upper pole of the kidney.

The surface of the training device contains a layer of silicone rubber that imitates the skin integument.

Patent RU 204097 U1

  1. To practice puncture skills, place the training device on the operating table or any other plain surface. For puncture, it is necessary to use a convex ultrasound sensing device 2-5 MHz.
  2. Fasten the bracket to the back of the training device with the fixing screws. Hang the container with the simulation fluid on the bracket. The height of the container location relative to the upper cut of the simulator is from 10 to 30 cm.
  3. Inspect the system tubing for wrinkles, especially in the fluid regulator. Spread them out if necessary to avoid blocking the fluid supply. Release the clamp on the training device tubing.
  4. Having installed the sensing device on the surface of the training device, it is necessary to find the calix of interest. Bring the needle to the middle of the end of the sensing device, perform a puncture – if your needle is located exactly in the middle of the sensing device, then it should be visible throughout the entire puncture.
  5. After puncturing the calix, remove the stylette of the needle – with correct puncture, you should receive fluid.

The storage of the training device is carried out at indoor temperature and does not require the use of low temperatures (storage in the refrigerator). In addition, it is not recommended to cool the model below 16 ° C and to heat it above 25 ° C. This can significantly change the echogenic properties of the compound and violate the reliability of the ultrasound picture. Dimensions: 21.5 cm x 12.5 cm x 16.5 cm with manufacturing tolerances of 1.5-2 cm, which do not affect the functional properties of the simulator.

  1. Warranty for the training device – 1 year. The warranty period applies to a new product until the start of its intended use, if the storage conditions of the training device meet. (see paragraph in the instructions).
  2. The recommended amount of work on the simulator is no more than 100 punctures.
  3. The kit with the simulator is supplied with an electronic carrier with a test puncture under ultrasound control on this training device. The video indicates the presence of visualization during puncturing, respectively, the readiness of the training device for use.

The training device is a model of the urinary system, represented by the kidneys with the calyx-pelvic system, the ureters with pathologies (calculuses, stenosis) and the urinary bladder in section. The ureters and kidneys are made of optically transparent polymer, which makes it possible to observe the process of stent placement and its c correctness of execution. UroSTENT is equipped with LED backlighting to enhance visualization. Since there is no mucous membrane on the inner surface of the ureter, the moving of the stent is difficult. To reduce friction, the delivery set includes a container with a lubricating liquid, which is preliminarily applied to the surface of the stent.

Storage conditions – indoor temperature

Run-out date – at least 5 years

Warranty – at least 2 years

The simulator is intended for practice the skills of JJ renal stent placement. Also, UroStent can be used as a demonstration model of already installed stents beside obstacles such as calculuses narrowings and / or tumors.

  1. To start practicing the skill of installing a stent, you need to fix the UroSTENT on special fasteners / footrests on a table or other surface.
  2. Liberally lubricate the stent with antifriction fluid.
  3. Guide the 0.035 inch guidewire into the kidney past the obstruction.
  4. Pass the stent along the guidewire into the kidney.
  5. Push the vesical tip of the stent with the pusher

The TARGET ELECTRICAL training device is an imitation of a section of the human body with hyperechoic objects made of metal and is used for practice the skill of precise puncture under ultrasound guidance using both convex and linear sensing devices. The material around hyperechoic objects is an elastomer with a hardness of about 10 points of Shore A system, which gets close to the parameters of the patient’s tissues. The polymer compound fills the space of the container has an echogenicity, which is close to human biological tissues. In addition, the composition of the polymer compound makes it possible to partially “overgrow” the traces formed during the manipulation of the needle for several days. The kit includes an 18 Gauge needle with a wire and a power stage. When the tip of the needle hits the target accurately, the electrical circuit arises and green diode lamps lights up. When the lateral surface of the needle touches the object of interest, the circuit does not arise. The surface of the training device contains a layer of silicone rubber that imitates the skin integument.

  1. To practice puncture skills, place the training device on the operating table or any other plain surface. For puncture, you can use a convex ultrasound 2-5 MHz or a linear 7-12 MHz sensing device.
  2. Plug in the power stage of the training device.
  3. Having installed the sensing device on the surface of the training device it is necessary to locate the hyperechoic object of interest. Bring the needle to the middle of the end of the sensing device and perform a puncture – if your needle is located exactly in the middle of the sensing device, then it should be visible throughout the entire puncture.
  4. When the needle hits the target accurately, the platform of the training device will light up green.

The storage of the training device is carried out at indoor temperature and does not require the use of low temperatures (storage in the refrigerator). In addition, it is not recommended to cool the model below 16 ° C and not to heat it above 25 ° C.

This can significantly change the echogenic properties of the compound and violate the reliability of the ultrasound investigation.

If the training device is heated or cooled above the specified temperature parameters, it is enough to keep it at indoor temperature for 24 hours to restore its original properties. Dimensions of the training device: 19.5 cm x 13 cm x 6 cm. Substrate dimensions: 27 cm x 27 cm with manufacturing tolerances of 1.5-2 cm, which do not affect the functional properties of the training device.

  1. Warranty for the training device – 1 year. The warranty period applies to a new product until the start of its intended use, if the storage conditions met. (see paragraph in the instructions).
  2. Recommended amount of work on the training device – no more than 100 punctures